Board Chambers

Welcome to the Clerk of the Board website. The Clerk of the Board’s Office is a division of the County Executive’s Office. The Clerk of the Board is responsible for several areas of governmental services and is committed to providing excellent customer service and transparency while ensuring the integrity and accessibility of the public records for the entities that we serve.

The Clerk of the Board is comprised of the following major divisions: Board Agenda, Boards and Commissions, City Selection Committee, Assessment Appeals, Records Management, Administrative Services and acts as filing officer for Statement of Economic Interest forms. 

Link to SB450 Notices

Board of Supervisors

The Clerk of the Board is responsible for publishing the Board of Supervisors agendas and preparing the minutes.  

Assessment Appeals Board

The Clerk of the Board is responsible for processing the Applications for Changed Assessment as well as preparing the agendas and minutes for the Assessment Appeals Board and Hearing Officer.

Boards and Commissions

The Clerk of the Board is responsible for handling the recruitment, qualification and certification of the various appointments made by the Board of Supervisors. State law requires that the Clerk of the Board maintain a roster of membership and information for each County Advisory Board of Commission created by State Statue, County Ordinance or Resolution.  


The Board of Supervisors adopts Ordinances which provide local rules and regulations specifically for the County of San Mateo.  The Clerk of the Board is responsible for managing all of the Ordinance documents and maintaining the succession history of the Ordinances.

Form 700/Conflict of Interest

Form 700s are economic interest forms. The form safeguards against possible conflicts of interest and is part of a state mandate for elected officials to disclose income, investments, business positions, property holdings and gifts. Reporting an economic interest does not present a conflict. A conflict of interest arises when a government decision is made by an elected official that benefits their economic interests.  

Link to the Form 700 Reference Pamphlet

Link to the Form 700 Form

City Selection Committee

The Clerk of the Board serves as the secretary to the City Selection Committee which is comprised of all of the Mayors of the incorporated cities in San Mateo County who meet to appoint members to certain public entities.

Claims, Complaints and Summons

The Clerk of the Board accepts service of legal documents on behalf of the County of San Mateo, County Special Districts, and County Employees who are being served in their capacity as a County Employee.  While the Clerk of the Board accepts service of these documents, the Clerk of the Board is NOT the official Custodian of Record.

The Clerk of the Board accepts claims against the County. Claims are investigated by the division of Risk Management. 

The Clerk of the Board accepts complaints from the public against any department, division or service within the County of San Mateo.

Link to Complaint Form

Public Records Act Requests

Public Records Act Requests must be made in writing to the Clerk of the Board.

Link to Public Records Request Form