Welcome to the Agile Organization website. On this site you will find all information relating to the Agile Organization initiative, including guides to each of the different work delivery options, requisition and tracking forms, progress updates, and documents detailing the background of Agile.

Agile Organization Mission Statement

To become a dynamic organization with a socially responsible, innovative and versatile workforce that can quickly adapt, is financially sustainable, and is able to maximize all available internal and external resources to continue to meet the critical and evolving needs of the community.


Question Marks What Is an Agile Organization? chart with line going up Our Progress
Agile Organization Implementation Guides

The implementation guides were created to be a tool for County departments and hiring managers to use when considering what type of employee to hire. The Implementation Guides provide one-page descriptions about each of the various Agile Organization work deliver models. They include information on the scope of work that each type of employee should perform, compensation and benefits, the advantages of each type of employee, and examples of each employee type.

Fellowship Toolkit

A toolkit highlighting the County’s process for the Management Fellowship Program. The toolkit includes: University Fellowship Proposal_SFSU Fellowship Overview_San Mateo County Fellowship Design_San Mateo County Year One and Two Fellowship Interest Form Sample Hiring Process Sample Fellow Offer Letter San Mateo County Management Program Flyer San Mateo County Management Fellowship Flyer San Mateo County Fellowship PowerPoint

Internship Toolkit

A toolkit highlighting the County’s process for Internship Programs.  The toolkit includes:

Limited Term Employee Handbook

The Limited Term Employee Handbook provides a complete overview of limited term employment for both limited term employees and their supervisors. The handbook contains information about compensation, health and retirement benefits, and other County programs that limited term employees are eligible for.

Tools Agile Organization Implementation Guides Fellowship Toolkit Internship Toolkit Limited Term Employee Handbook Limited Term Request Form