Important note: the following recommendation was approved by the Board of Supervisors on March 14, 2017:

DISTRICT 4 (Supervisor Warren Slocum) FYs 2015-17 Measure K Request

St. Francis Center - North Fair Oaks Youth Initiative Leadership Field Trip: $5,000 One-Time Grant

This is a request for a one-time grant totaling $5,000 in district-specific Measure K funds that will provide funding to the North Fair Oaks Youth Initiative for their Leadership Field Trip.

The North Fair Oaks Youth Initiative will hold its Leadership Field Trip on April 9-10, 2017.

The North Fair Oaks Youth Initiative goals and vision is to strengthen the North Fair Oaks community by engaging youth as leaders. Thirty youth, ages 14 to 22, collaborate each school year with key community organizations and programs to build and sustain youth leadership through various methods. These include: leadership development and trainings and projects, such as the Youth “OYE” Conference and/or organizing an advocacy campaign.

Each spring, the youth leadership program goes on an overnight field trip to collaborate and connect, and to do a deep dive into a social justice issue. This year, the group will connect with the farmworking community and learn first-hand what it is like for Latino immigrants to work in agriculture and what the community is doing to support farmworkers to earn a living wage and organized protections. The North Fair Oaks Youth Initiative believes youth will be inspired to advocate for social justice for farmworkers and build connections for places and efforts where they can be involved.

Performance Measures:

Number of youth participating in Leadership Field Trip

Percent of participating youth indicating that they will advocate for social justice for farmworkers as a result of what they learned on the Leadership Field Trip

Total Measure K Request: $5,000

The release of funds will be contingent on the execution of a Grant Agreement providing for the County’s confirmation of the expenditure of funds during FY 2015-17 for the purposes stated herein.

Important note: this is a copy of the official report -- item 7 on the Board's agenda.