United Against Hate Week (Nov. 12-18th, 2023) is a call for local civic action to stop the hate and implicit biases that are a threat to the safety and civility of our neighborhoods, towns, and cities. We want to empower local residents to take action in their local communities and alter the course of this growing intolerance. When cities and their residents work together against hate, we can restore respect and civil discourse, embrace the strength of diversity and build inclusive and equitable communities for all.

Join us! You can post signs, host events, share stories, attend rallies, and connect with schools and neighborhood civic institutions. Nothing is too small, because working united in each community is what will defeat hate in all communities. Learn more at unitedagainsthateweek.org.

Do you stand against hate?

Tell us more! Send an email to ImmigrantServices@smcgov.org responding to these prompts:

  • "I stand against hate because _______________________." -OR-
  • "A hate-free California looks like  ______________________________."

We encourage you to send a photo or short video holding a United Against Hate sign! Send us your text, photos and videos for a chance to be featured on our social media. 

Call for Artists

The Office of Community Affairs' Immigrant Services is soliciting artists to provide up to three (3) original digital art pieces that recognize, celebrate, and honor the power of communities standing together and unified in San Mateo County.  The digital art will be spotlighted across social media and webpages. The call for artists is now closed, however you can view the selected artists here: Selected Artists.


Resources for Victims of Crimes & How to Report a Hate Crime or Incident / Recursos para víctimas de crimenes y cómo denunciar un crimen o incidente de odio



United Against Hate Proclamation at Board of Supervisors Meeting
  • The County of San Mateo Board of Supervisors will recognize United Against Hate week. 
    Tuesday, Nov. 14 at 9am
    Board Chambers & Online
Makerspace Event
  • Join us with our friends at the Redwood City Library for an opportunity to make friendship bracelets and tote bags uniting against hate!
    Wednesday, Nov. 15, 7:00pm-8:00pm
    Redwood City Library, 1044 Middlefield Road