1. Get a Kit

In addition to the list of recommended items to include in a Disaster Supplies Kit, people who care for service animals and pets may consider creating an Animal Supply Kit and Take-Along Bag including the following:

  •   Two-week supply of water and food
  •   Two-week supply of animals medicine
  •   Non-spill food and water dishes
  •   Manual can opener and spoons
  •   Animal/service animal identification information
  •   Cage/carrier labeled with contact information
  •   Favorite toys, treats, blankets
  •   Leash, collar, harness, muzzle, stakes, and tie downs
  •   Litter, litter pan, litter scoop
  •   Newspaper (for bedding or litter)
  •   Paper towels and plastic baggies
  •   Pet medication
  •   Health Records
  •   Emergency contact information
  •   Water purification tablets
  •   Photo of your animal
  •   First Aid Kit
  •   Veterinarian contact information
  1. Make a Plan
  • Meet with your family members, friends, and building manager to review community hazards and emergency plans.
  • Choose an out-of-town contact. Everyone must know how to contact this person. Ensure this contact can house your animal.
  • Decide where to meet your household members if you become separated.
  • Check your Animal Supply Kit and Take­Along Bag every six months to keep information current and supplies fresh.
  • Make sure your service animals and pets have current ID tags. Consider other methods of identification, such as microchip.
  • Plan how your pets will be cared for if you have to evacuate and build relationships with other animal owners in your neighborhood.
  • Keep vaccinations current.
  • Keep your pets and service animals confined or securely leashed/harnessed during or after a disaster so they are not confused or frightened.
  • Practice putting your animals in crates before the disaster.
  1. Be Informed
  • Learn your community’s response and evacuation plans. Download the Genasys Protect app. San Mateo County uses Genansys and SMC Alert to communicate evacuation information.
  • Develop a communication plan with your family.
  • Ask your local fire department, police department, about whether they offer any emergency special assistance programs.
  • Ask your city or county how they will warn you of a disaster situation and provide information to you before, during, and after a disaster. Sign up for San Mateo County alerts and warnings at smcalert.info
  • Know which television and radio stations in your area broadcast the Emergency Alert System (EAS). In San Mateo County, those TV stations are KTVU TV-2, KRON TV-4, KPIX TV-5, KGO TV-7, and KNTV-11 (NBC Bay Area). EAS radio stations include: KCBS 740 AM and 106.9 FM, KQED 88.5 FM, and KCSM 91.1 FM.