Parking in North Fair Oaks

Parking in North Fair Oaks has been a problem for businesses and residents alike. There is good news to report. A 50-60 space parking lot on 2nd and Middlefield Road is on the horizon!

Sequoia Belle Haven Affordable Senior Housing "Wall Raising"

To celebrate the progress of the Sequoia Belle Haven Affordable Senior Housing Project in Menlo Park, MidPen Housing, the project developer, held a "Wall Raising" with all the partners and the neighbors.  This beautiful new complex will open in the summer of 2017!

KaiserPermanente - Redwood City, a Joint Commission Certified Comprehensive Stroke Center

Congratulations to @KaiserPermanente - Redwood City for being Joint Commission certified as a Comprehensive ‪Stroke‬ Center! They are a healthcare leader in the country!

Report to the State Legislature and Secretary of State on the November 3, 2015 All-Mailed Ballot Election

As San Mateo County voters and election observes will recall, last year San Mateo County conducted its first All-Mailed Ballot Election through legislation carried by Assembly Member Kevin Mullin known as Assembly Bill 2028. The legislation required a follow-up analysis and report to determine voter participation levels, turnout by demographic groups, operational costs, etc. Here are the findings from this historic election.

Marsh Road Closure

Beginning on May 31st, the Town of Atherton plans to close Marsh Road for eight to twelve weeks to repair the Marsh Road Canal that is eroding the road bed. A series of community meetings have been scheduled to share the project plans and give people the chance to ask questions and register their concerns. Please take the time to learn about this project.

Beefing up the Tools to Discourage Illegal Dumping and Littering

The Board of Supervisors took steps to beef up the enforcement tools to discourage illegal dumping and littering in the unincorporated areas of San Mateo County. This has been of priority of Supervisor Slocum's and its unanimous adoption was appreciated.

San Carlos Airport Update

At the April 26th Board of Supervisors meeting, we discussed the status of the San Carlos Airport Disturbance Study and the next steps. Three consultants have been retained to conduct airport noise studies, identify the best practices in use at general aviation airports, gauge public opinion and prepare to report back to our Board in June. At this meeting, we learned that the FAA and Surf Air have developed alternative approaches to reduce the impact of noise above residential areas - these will be evaluated in May.

Cooley Landing Educational Center Opens

A 25-year dream of the East Palo Alto community and its partners came true this weekend! The Cooley Landing Educational Center held its grand opening. It is beautiful!

San Mateo County Joins 118 Cities And Counties To File Amicus Brief In United States V. Texas Urging U.S. Supreme Court To Permit President Obama’s Executive Action On Immigration To Move Forward

As part of Cities for Action, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors joins a broad coalition of cities and counties that are filing a friend-of-the-court amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in United States v. Texas today, urging the Court to overturn a lower court’s decision and allow President Obama’s executive action on immigration to move forward. The brief, signed by 118 cities and counties representing 35 states, argues that the nationwide injunction blocking implementation of the President’s executive action on immigration was erroneously entered and should be reversed because it places millions of families in our cities and counties at economic and personal risk. Locally, six Bay Area counties have signed on to the amicus brief, including San Francisco, Alameda, Marin, Santa Clara, Sonoma and San Mateo Counties along with the major municipalities of San Francisco, San Jose and Sacramento.

Breathing Easier in North Fair Oaks

In October of 2014, our Board of Supervisors passed an ordinance to ban smoking in multi-family dwellings in the unincorporated areas of San Mateo County. That ordinance began in January 1, 2015 with new multi-family dwellings; in January 1, 2016, it expanded to include existing multi-family units. We sincerely hope to improve the health of the residents in the County.