Authorized Care 

During  a medical emergency, you should immediately seek care at the nearest emergency department (ED). A medical emergency is an injury, illness, or symptom so severe that a delay in seeking immediate medical attention would be reasonable expected to be hazardous to life or health. If you believe your life is in danger, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency department right away. 

Before Admitteance Fast Facts 

For VA reimbursement, the following is required: 

  • Veteran is enrolled or exempt from enrollment in the VA health care system. 
  • A VA health care facility or other federal facility with the capability to provide the necessary emergency services must not have been feasibly available* to provide the emergent treatment and an attempt to use them beforehand would not be reasonable. 
  • The medical situation is of such a nature that a prudent layperson would  reasonably expect that a delay in seeking immediate medical attention would be hazardous to life or health. 
  • The treatment was rendered at a community emergency facility that is is VA's community care network. - Find in-network here

Emergency care during and after a suicidal crisis

  • Starting January 17, 2023, VA will pay for, provide or reimburse emergency care for certain Veterans and individuals- including ambulance transportation costs- and follow-on inpatient or residential care related to the event for up to 30 days, and outpatient care for up to 90 days, including social work.