Once Stabilized

Generally, emergency treatment is only covered until such time as the Veteran can be safely transferred to a VA or other federal facility. 

Veterans, their representatives, and in-network community providers should report instances of a Veteran present to a community emergency room to VA with in 72 hours of the start of emergent care. Out-of-network providers are encouraged to notify VA as soon as possible. 

The deadline for claims submission is dependent upon whether the condition is Service-connected or not

Notifying VA in a timely fashion is important because this  

  • allows the VA to assist the veteran in coordinating necessary care or transfer
  • helps ensure that the administrative and clinical requirements for VA to pay for the care are met
  • may impact a veteran's eligibility for VA to cover the cost of emergency treatment 


Type of Emergent Care Service Connection Type Retention to File
Unauthorized Emergent Care Service Connected Disability  2 Years to File 
Unauthorized Emergent Care Nonservice Connected Disability  90 Days from the date the veteran was discharged from facility that furnished emergency treatment