Helping Veterans Navigate the Healthcare System

Welcome to Healthcare & Veterans Connect, an online platform dedicated to connecting veterans and healthcare providers with valuable resources. Our website is designed to bridge the gap between these two communities, ensuring that veterans receive the care and support they deserve.

For Veterans: If you're a veteran seeking healthcare resources, our website provides a user-friendly interface where you can easily search for and access a wide range of services. Whether you're looking for medical professionals specializing in mental health, physical therapy, or general healthcare, we've got you covered. Our database is regularly updated to ensure the information is current and accurate.

For Healthcare Providers: Our platform offers a user-friendly interface, allowing healthcare providers to efficiently navigate through a wealth of resources and services tailored to the unique needs of veterans.

As a healthcare provider, you can utilize our advanced search function to identify relevant resources for your veteran patients. Our database is regularly updated to ensure that you have access to the most up-to-date and accurate information. Whether you need to find mental health specialists, rehabilitation centers, employment programs, or housing assistance, our platform has you covered.

Learn How to Enroll for VA Healthcare


Which best describes you? Health Care Provider Veteran