2018 CAFR and PAFR Press Release

For Immediate Release Redwood City — San Mateo County Controller Juan Raigoza today released for public review the County’s Fiscal Year 2017-18 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) which includes the County’s audited financial statements, management’s analysis, statistics, and other financial information.

Board Highlights: 11/06/18

As a proud Vietnam Veteran, the celebration of Veterans Day has so much meaning and that’s why I was proud to present a proclamation, during our November 6 Board of Supervisors meeting, designating November 11, 2018 as the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War I.

SMC Probation joins the Lip Sync Challenge!

Better late than never, the San Mateo County Probation Department proudly presents its lip sync challenge video

Warren Award: John Maltbie 49 Years of Public Service

“Truth, liberty and toleration—three words that are your guiding beacon.”  Inspiring, moving words spoken to the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors on October 23, 2018 by outgoing County Manager John Maltbie, who is retiring after 49 years of public service and 600 Board meetings. In his own words, John Maltbie noted that what we do as a County matters.

Community Conversations: Mental Health and Families

Last night we held our second Community Conversation on mental health and families and over 60 community members attended to discuss the triggers of mental illness. With the pressure of our current immigration system, the housing crisis, and the high cost of living we are seeing an alarming impact on our family’s mental health. 

Board Highlights: Measure K, Proposition 6 and Affordable Housing

I want to share with you some highlights from October 2nd County of San Mateo – Government Board Meeting: As a Vietnamn Veteran, I am proud to approve district specific Measure K funds to San Mateo County Blue Stars Moms 

DUI Court Celebrates One Year Anniversary

Launched in September 18, 2017, the San Mateo County DUI Court has made a difference in our community in just one year.

Warren Award: Dr. Faye McNair Knox

We lost a significant member of our community last week - Dr. Faye McNair-Knox. She was 68 years old. Dr. Faye, as she was known to all, was born and raised in East Palo Alto and became the voice of those less fortunate in that and surrounding cities – particularly for the youth.

Warren Award: California Clubhouse - Members helping Members

Did you know that about 44,000 people in San Mateo County struggle with serious mental illness? California Clubhouse is a membership-based organization where people with persistent mental illness rebuild their lives, learn skills and make friends.

Warren Award: Veterans Treatment Court and August Graduates

I learned the adage “Leave No One Behind” as a young man in the US Army serving in Vietnam. This morning, I had the honor of speaking at the Veteran Treatment Court’s (VTC) graduation – and this is exactly what this Court does – bringing our veterans in trouble with the law into the light and helping them change the direction of their lives.