Board of Supervisors Declare Climate Emergency in San Mateo County

Resolution calls for accelerated actions and local collaboration to combat climate change.  

County Releases FY 2019-20 Recommended Budget for Adoption

Board of Supervisors to consider $3.5 billion budget after September Revisions  

There is No Place Like Home - Redwood Trailer Village

There is no place like home.  And even when the place your family calls home is substandard, when you are about to be displaced because where you live is being sold, it is unsettling. Redwood Trailer Village was such a place.  

U.S. Census Bureau Jobs in San Mateo County

The U. S. Census Bureau is now hiring residents to fill up to 800 positions in San Mateo County.  There are a variety of jobs, most of which are Non-Response Follow-Up positions: individuals who will go door-to-door in specific neighborhoods encouragings and assisting residents in filling out their questionnaires.

Steam Cleaning in North Fair Oaks

Little things matter – including clean sidewalks to brighten neighborhoods. No one likes to step on gum while on a walk, or step over piles of garbage. As part of an ongoing effort to beautify North Fair Oaks, the Department of Public Works has steam cleaned the sideways on Middlefield Avenue – and they sparkle!

San Mateo County’s Agricultural Production Nears $150 Million

San Mateo County’s overall crop values increased by $6.5 million last year to $149.2 million, according to the 2018 Agricultural Crop Report.

Five New San Mateo County LGBTQ Commissioners Appointed

The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Queer Commission of San Mateo County attracted numerous talented applicants in its latest recruitment to fill five open seats. A total of 33 applications were received from throughout San Mateo County, demonstrating keen interest in the important work of the Commission. After a thorough review by a panel comprised of two County supervisors, the Commission co-chairs and staff, five applicants were offered appointments to the Commission.

Powerful testimonial from Immigrant Legal Resource Center's Founder

Multiple accounts have surfaced regarding the conditions of detained families along the U.S. and Mexico border, but Professor Bill Ong Hing's detailed testimonial from his visit to the border patrol processing facility in Clint, Texas has truly highlighted the dire conditions in which these children are being held in as well as the urgency for services and resources for our immigrant community.Â