Flood Park Playground Survey Closes on Monday, April 22

If you haven’t yet taken the survey to help create a new Flood Park Playground, you’re not too late. The survey will close on Monday, April 22.

Life and Death and Holding it Together in Real Time

You want a memorable 911 call? John Garcia, a 911 dispatcher, doesn’t want to talk about shootings or car wrecks or house fires or heart attacks. “That’s how you don’t get invited back to parties,” he said.

Flood Park Closes April 8 as Park Renovation Begins

Beginning Monday, April 8, Flood County Park will be closed as demolition begins prior to construction of the first phase of the Realize Flood Park project.

Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Beach Access Blocked Off for Pupping Season

It’s crucial that you stay out of areas marked by cones and give the moms and pups the space they need to feel safe.

Help Us Create Flood Park's New Playground

Let us know the types of play and equipment you and your children want at Flood Park's new playground. 

Exercise Caution in the Presence of Wildlife

Remember that some of our parks' creatures warrant extra caution if encountered.

Design Your New Playground at Flood Park, March 16

Join us Saturday, March 16, 2–4pm, to share ideas for a new playground at Flood Park. Plus, the Board of Supervisors, have approved the plans and specifications for Phase 1 of the Flood Park Landscape Plan and selection of a contractor.

Reserve Memorial Park Sites for Camping with Dogs by Phone

Huckleberry Flat, a camping area for dogs and their owners at Memorial Park, are reserved by phone only. Visitors are required to bring a dog when staying in this area.

Bids for Flood Park Phase 1 Construction Now Closed

The bid period for Phase 1 construction of the Realize Flood Park project is now closed. Selection of contractor and construction timeline will be announced in March 2024.