2020 Property Tax Highlights Publication Press Release

For Immediate Release Redwood City — Property taxes grew for the ninth consecutive year in Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20 — by a total of $225 million or 8 percent more than the prior year — contributing to $3 billion to be distributed county-wide to local government agencies that provide essential services to the county’s residents, according to the Property Tax Highlights report released today.

2020 ACFR and PAFR Press Release

San Mateo County Controller Juan Raigoza Releases for public review the County's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and the Popular Financial Report (PAFR) for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2020.

Everyone counts: Why the census matters more than ever

The 2020 Census gets underway soon and it’s critical that every person living in the county is counted to secure federal funding for medical services, including clinics and children’s health insurance, housing, emergency preparedness, nutrition programs, infrastructure and a host of other services.

17th Consecutive Honor for Financial Reporting Press Release

For the 17th consecutive year, the County of San Mateo has earned the prestigious national award for excellence in financial reporting for its Fiscal Year (FY) 2017-18 Popular Annual Financial Report, also known as the Financial Highlights report.

Current Job Openings with the Office of Public Safety Communications

The County of San Mateo is now accepting applications. We have opportunities for you to start your career with the Office of Public Safety Communications!

2018 Property Tax Highlights Publication Press Release

For Immediate Release Redwood City — Property taxes grew for a seventh consecutive year in Fiscal Year (FY) 2017-18, allowing $2.6 billion to be distributed to local government agencies that provide essential services to the county’s residents, according to the Property Tax Highlights report released today by the San Mateo County Controller’s Office.

2018 CAFR and PAFR Press Release

For Immediate Release Redwood City — San Mateo County Controller Juan Raigoza today released for public review the County’s Fiscal Year 2017-18 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) which includes the County’s audited financial statements, management’s analysis, statistics, and other financial information.

Seton needs new heroes

Whether you are an orphan, a prisoner, sick, a refugee, homeless or mentally ill, the Daughters of Charity for nearly 400 years provided charitable health care for the most vulnerable among us. They’ve been the heroes of the poor for centuries all around the world.

Controller wins GFOA award for FY 16/17 CAFR

For Immediate Release Redwood City — Continuing its winning streak, the San Mateo County Controller’s Office was honored for the 18th straight year with the highest recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting.

San Mateo County Public Safety Communications Joins the Versaterm Family

Welcome San Mateo County to the Versaterm family! Versaterm extends a warm welcome to San Mateo County Public Safety Communications and their partner agencies as they

2017 Property Tax Highlights Publication Press Release

For Immediate Release Redwood City — The Property Tax Highlights publication for fiscal year 2016-17 released today shows that the total annual countywide tax levy was $2.4 billion — $163.2 million more than the prior year. Although the increase in revenues is part of a multi-year positive trend, County Controller Juan Raigoza explained that local government agencies’ operating costs, which are largely impacted by the cost of doing business in the San Francisco Bay Area, have also increased in recent years.