New county program to fight truancy, lift graduation rates

Written by Elena Kadvany, published by Palo Alto Online on Sat. Feb. 21, 2015. Three-year grant to fund 'Students With Amazing Goal' launching this Spring! SWAG Program to serve 80 students in East Palo Alto and the Belle Haven neighborhood of Menlo Park. Using 10 program areas ranging from athletics to substance abuse to reduce the truancy rate by 75 percent for middle and high school students on probation, drop the rate among their non-probationary at-risk counterparts by 50 percent and see a 50 percent high school graduation rate among fifth-year seniors.

Grand (re)Opening of the David E. Lewis Reentry Center

Leaders from the City of East Palo Alto and the County of San Mateo along with about a 100 community leaders celebrated the Grand (re)Opening of the David E. Lewis Reentry Center. 

Superbowl 50 Fund Info

Superbowl 50 Fund is the signature philanthropic initiative of Super Bowl 50. Its goal is to help close the opportunity gap that exists for Bay Area children, youth and young adults living in low-income communities. Learn more about their plans to make a difference!

Child Support Payments Made Easier in San Mateo County

Redwood City, CA – Over 8,000 individuals owing child support to San Mateo County residents have another convenient option to make their cash payments. Thanks to a collaboration between the State of California and Moneygram, those owing child support can now go to any of the thousands of locations nationwide to send payments.

San Mateo County Helps Local Recycler During Port Of Oakland Slowdown

The slowdown at the Port of Oakland is wreaking havoc on South Bay Recycling (SBR) in San Carlos, the contractor that provides recycling operations for the South Bayside Waste Management Authority (SBWMA). The slowdown at the Port of Oakland is due to a labor dispute between Pacific Maritime Association and the longshoremen (ILWU) who have been working without a contract since July 1. The result is a pileup of containers on the docks, a flotilla of container ships anchored in San Francisco Bay and a warehousing issue for SBR.

San Mateo County to Conduct Homeless Census

Belmont, CA – In the early morning hours of January 22, 2015, San Mateo County will participate in the National Homeless One Day Count by conducting a tract-by-tract count of homeless individuals, families and encampments.Â