The California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls Announces 7.9 Million Dollar Investment in Women’s Recovery Response

The California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls is honored to announce that the state budget includes additional one-time funding of 7.9 million dollars, 5 million of which will be utilized to facilitate a statewide Women’s Recovery Response in the wake of COVID-19.  The Commission thanks the Governor and the California Legislature, especially Budget staff and Chairs Senator Nancy Skinner and Assemblymember Phil Ting, and Women’s Caucus Chair Assemblymember Christina Garcia, for their commitment to California’s women and girls.

Off-Leash Dog Pilot Program To Be Presented To Planning Commission

On February 9, San Mateo County Parks will present the Off-Leash Dog Pilot Program to the Planning Commission as part of the Coastal Development Permit process.

Realize Flood Park Community Meeting

On Wednesday, February 2,  join us as we begin to design park features included in the 2020 Flood Park Landscape Plan.

Bay Area Trails Collaborative Unveils Map Of Trail Network

The Bay Area Trails Collaborative—a group of more than 50 member organizations, businesses and agencies, including @railstotrails and San Mateo County Parks—recently unveiled their new map of the 2,590-mile trail network that is developing in our region. This massive network is connecting existing and expected trails to better connect the Bay Area via bike and pedestrian routes, as well as support the region’s health, economy and environment.