Improving Housing, Access to Health Care for Farm Workers

Note: This is an archived version of an article that first appeared in 2016.

Edgewood Park Safety and Parking Tips

Make your trip to Edgewood Park safe and enjoyable by being cautious of fast-moving cars on Edgewood Road and avoiding parking difficulties.

San Mateo County's Removal Defense Fund & Rapid Response Network

The federal government has continued to increase the extent of immigration enforcement in San Mateo County, continuing a trend of more immigrant residents of the County being placed in removal proceedings before the Executive Office for Immigration Review.  Many immigrants in such proceedings lack the resources to secure legal representation in such proceedings. 

Opening Doors and Opportunities

First she lost her balance.

Powerful testimonial from Immigrant Legal Resource Center's Founder

Multiple accounts have surfaced regarding the conditions of detained families along the U.S. and Mexico border, but Professor Bill Ong Hing's detailed testimonial from his visit to the border patrol processing facility in Clint, Texas has truly highlighted the dire conditions in which these children are being held in as well as the urgency for services and resources for our immigrant community. 

July 2019 News Update: Potential ICE Activity in the Bay Area

As reported by various news sources, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) plans to initiate nationwide raids this weekend.  The Office of Community Affairs encourages everyone to become aware of their rights and to share important resources with everyone in the community.  

Language Access Services Available at San Mateo County

With support from the Board of Supervisors, all County staff now have access to interpretation services for over 200 unique languages. Residents can visit any County department and be helped with the language of their choice. Look for a language idenitification card or ask for interpretation services. The new service is easy, quick and efficient! 

Public Charge updates, information and resources

English Spanish Tagalog Chinese Potential Changes in “Public Charge” Assessment  

Immigration Tool Kit

The Immigrant Legal Resource Center has created this toolkit in English and Spanish which includes information about rights and resources for immigrants, as well as immigration options.

Providing services to immigrants facing challenges in San Mateo County

Silicon Valley Community Foundation's Philanthropy Now podcast series, highlights the Immigrant Support and Coordination services

During a Mental Health Crisis, a SMART Approach

The teenage girl stood in her driveway in fuzzy slippers and a black coat pulled tight like a security blanket. She wiped at tears.   Her parents had called 9-1-1 because they didn't know where else to turn. They had discovered disturbing videos on social media of their daughter talking about drug use and suicide. Just four days earlier she had celebrated her 16th birthday. Now two police officers said she needed an immediate emergency mental health evaluation.