Huddart Park Forest Health Work Update

Crews have returned to Huddart Park to follow up on forest health work performed last November and December near the park entrance. Trails slated for closure include Redwood Nature Trail, and Bay Tree Trail.

Quarry Park Off-Leash Pilot Program Approved By Board of Supervisors

At its April 5, 2022 meeting, the Board of Supervisors approved the Department’s appeal to allow an off-leash dog pilot program to proceed at Quarry Park while upholding the Planning Commission’s denial of a Coastal Development Permit for the pilot program at Pillar Point Bluffs.

BOS to Hear Appeal of CDP for Off-Leash Dog Pilot April 5

On Feb 22, 2022 the Parks Department filed an appeal of the San Mateo County Planning Commission’s decision that denied the Department’s application for a Coastal Develop Permit (CDP) for off-leash dog pilot programs at Quarry County Park and Pillar Point Bluffs. The appeal requests to pursue a pilot program at Quarry Park only and not at Pillar Point Bluffs.

Off-Leash Dog Pilot Program To Be Presented To Planning Commission

On February 9, San Mateo County Parks will present the Off-Leash Dog Pilot Program to the Planning Commission as part of the Coastal Development Permit process.

Supervisor Don Horsley Appointed President of the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors

Redwood City – Supervisor Don Horsley, selected unanimously today to serve as president of the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, laid out his priorities for the upcoming year: carry through strategies to eliminate homelessness; advance equity; and improving community safety.

Focus on Parks: Board of Supervisors Looks to Boost Visitor Numbers, Expand Access

 Visitors to seven San Mateo County parks – from Coyote Point along San Francisco Bay to Memorial among the redwoods – now pay a $6 vehicle entry fee.   Considering that fee could be a barrier to many visitors, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors today agreed to study how waiving that fee might help more low-income residents enjoy their parks.

Arts Commission Cultural Equity Statement

The San Mateo County Arts Commission, which views the arts as an essential part of a healthy and vibrant community, champions policies and practices that promote social and cultural equity. We strive to promote inclusive and diverse programming and to ensure equitable access to arts and culture for all, with consideration for race, ability, sexual orientation, age, gender, economic status, and cultural background. We also commit to partnering with artists and arts organizations that represent and celebrate the diversity of our county, through the fair and equitable distribution of programmatic and financial support. Through these actions, arts are a vehicle for social change.

Board of Supervisors Approves “Communities Together” Map of New District Boundaries

Redwood City – The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors today voted unanimously to adopt the

Parking Lot Safety

Park staff patrol parking lots, but taking your own precautions against theft is always advised. Familiarize yourself with precautions you can take to protect your valuables and vehicle.

Board of Supervisors Adopts 2021 Multijurisdictional Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors today adopted the 2021 Multijurisdictional Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (MJLHMP), a five-year blueprint for the County and its partners to reduce the impact of natural hazards such as earthquake, fire, flooding, extreme heat and landslide.

Board of Supervisors Create County Gun Buyback Program

REDWOOD CITY – Today, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors approved a grant of up to $208,000 in Measure K Reserves to establish a San Mateo County Gun Buyback Program. 

Board Of Supervisors Approves Dog Pilot Program

At their November 9 meeting held via video conference, the Board of Supervisors certified the Off-Leash Dog Recreation Pilot Program IS/MND and approved the pilot that will introduce off-leash dog access at Quarry Park and Pillar Point Bluff, on a trial basis. At the November 16 Board of Supervisors meeting, the ordinance allowing the pilot will be read into the County ordinance code.