Sponsored Employment Program Graduation

The nonprofit, One East Palo Alto, will graduate 60 interns and five peer mentors (college students who mentor program interns) from their Sponsored Employment Program (SEP) on August 12th! This program connects the hard-to-place young people in paid summer internships - often in their very first job. Read more here...

Thank you Congresswoman Eshoo

Special thanks to Congresswoman Anna Eshoo who asked Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) officials to join her in a roundtable meeting with community leaders regarding noise issues affiliated with airline traffic at San Francisco International Airport. Read here...

Recology's Volunteer Day

One hundred Recology volunteers turned out on Saturday, August 8th to give the Fair Oaks Community Center a "spring clean" and landscaping update. This is part of their corporate commitment to the community. I want to give a shoutout ot Gino Gasparini, Vice President of Marketing for Recology/San Mateo County, as well as the whole crew, for pitching in to beautify North Fair Oaks. Read more...

Utility Box Murals and Entrance Signs

In May, the North Fair Oaks Community Council (NFOCC) and the North Fair Oaks Public Art Workgroup invited local artists to transform utility boxes into works of art on the streets of North Fair Oaks and to create a design for entrance signs for North Fair Oaks. Read details here...

Eastside Prep Teacher Receives Presidential Award

As an advocate of education, it is my pleasure to introduce you to Marianne Chowning-Dray, a math teacher at Eastside College Preparatory School in East Palo Alto. Marianne recently received the Presidential Award fo Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. She is one of 108 teachers in the country, and one of only two teachers from California selected for this prestigious award. Read details here...

Office of Sustainability Officially Becomes the County of San Mateo's Newest Department

The County’s newest office, which began as a pilot in July 2014, officially became a permanent fixture July 1. Director Jim Eggemeyer, the acting director since the office’s creation, was named permanently to the post in May and the office as a whole is settling into a new location on the County Center campus.

Measure A Fund Allocations

At the August 4th Board of of Supervisors meeting, the Board approved my Measure A recommendation to fund three programs in District Four. While there are many worthy community needs adn priorities, I focused my allocation of Measure A dollars to fund programs that serve youth from low performing schools and under-resourced communities. Read details here...

Board of Supervisors Approve $1.85 Million of Measure A Funds to Housing, Health and Parks

The Board of Supervisors today approved $1.85 million of Measure A funding for a variety of needs in parks, health and housing, including allocating the remaining $1 million reserved for affordable housing programs and projects.

Girls to Women Explore Cooley Landing

This summer the Girls to Women group attended the Creative Ecology Program at Cooley Landing. Resident artist and teacher, Linda Gass, combines art and science to help encourage critical thinking and conversations about the impact we have on our environment. Read more here...

San Mateo County First in State to Hold All-Mail November Election

San Mateo County Chief Elections Officer & Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder, Mark Church, announced today that 41 cities, special districts and school districts in San Mateo County have approved a resolution for an all-mailed ballot election for the upcoming Nov. 3, 2015 Consolidated Municipal, School and Special District Election. The county will be the first in California to hold a county-wide all-mailed ballot election.

Meet Emily Cordova

I am so pleased to introduce Emily Cordova, a Junior at Sequoia High School, who was appointed by the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors to serve on the North Fair Oaks Community Council as the Alternate Youth Member. Emily is a member of the Koshland Leadership Program that cultivates leaders among youth in the North Fair Oaks community. Welcome Emily! Read details...

Coding Bootcamp at JobTrain

JobTrain, one of the most successful job-retraining programs in the country, added a course to teach software coding to young adults this spring. It is perfect example of the type of program that we need. It responds to the needs of Silicon Valley, focuses on a well-paid future for its students, and takes advantage of the corporate partners that have made our area nationally renowned. Read more...