Housing is More than a Roof Over Your Head

As the holidays draw near, families served by the Housing Authority of the County of San Mateo (HACSM) can look forward to receiving toys and books made available through a collaboration between HACSM, the County Human Services Agency and the Peninsula Library System.

Department of Housing Receives State Housing Award

The San Mateo County Department of Housing has successfully competed for an award of $5 million to implement the State’s Local Housing Trust Fund (LHTF) program.  The LHTF program provides matching funds to local and regional housing trust funds dedicated to the creation, rehabilitation, or preservation of affordable housing, transitional housing and emergency shelters.

San Mateo County Among 62 Communities to Receive New Stability Vouchers

In response to a HUD Notice of Funding Opportunity, the Housing Authority of San Mateo County (HACSM) has successfully competed in collaboration with the Daly City/San Mateo County Continuum of Care (CoC) to receive an award of 40 new Stability Vouchers, coupled with a grant of more than $3.5 million provided to the COC for supportive services.

Former Foster Youth Put Down Roots in San Mateo County

In the Bay Area, almost 75% of unhoused young people were formerly in the foster care or juvenile justice system.  A collaboration between San Mateo County’s Department of Housing (DOH) and the Children and Family Services Division of the Human Services Agency (HSA) is hoping to reverse these trends with awards of Measure K funding to affordable housing developments...

HACSM Implements Attorney General’s Guidance on Rent Increases

Housing Authorities across California, including the Housing Authority of the County of San Mateo (HACSM), have received new guidance from California’s Attorney General, Rob Bonta, on their role in enforcing the Tenant Protection Act of 2019 (TPA). Among other tenant protections, the TPA prohibited annual rent increases greater than the lower of 10% or 5% plus inflation according to the regional Consumer Price Index.

Kiku Crossing - New Affordable Housing in San Mateo

Kiku Crossing, a new affordable housing development, built by MidPen Housing, and located in downtown San Mateo is expected to open in Spring 2024. The Department of Housing invested more than $5 million dollars of Measure K funds to help with the cost of building the 225-unit property, and the Housing Authority of San Mateo County awarded the project Project-Based Vouchers.

Road to Homeownership

Exclusive Community Event. A Panel of experienced industry professionals will be sharing their knowledge and expertise to help you understand the steps of buying a home. Receive helpful tips and valuable information about the Loan Pre-Approval and Loan Application Process.

Oriental Fruit Fly Find - San Mateo County

On June 30, 2022 the San Mateo County Agriculture Department pest detection team found a single Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) in a baited trap in Menlo Park. The team followed up with a delimitation survey that includes 40 traps within one square mile of the find. This is in addition to 80 existing traps within the 8 square miles surrounding the find. No new Oriental fruit flies have been detected. Oriental fruit flies are an invasive pest native to southern Asia, that has become established in Hawaii.

¿Por Que Usamos Mascaras? - Why Do We Wear Masks?

  Le preguntamos a algunos residentes de North Fair Oaks por qué usan máscaras. Aquí está el video con lo que tenían que decir.  We asked a couple residents of North Fair Oaks why they wear masks. Here is the video with what they had to say.

Black Lives Matter Resolution

I want to make it abundantly clear that the County of San Mateo cares deeply about creating an equitable and just community for all. But, it is not possible to have equity for all, until Black Lives Matter.

COVID-19 Testing - Pruebas de Covid-19 - North Fair Oaks

Free COVID-19 testing will be available at Sports House (3151 Edison Way, Redwood City, CA 94063