Women's History Month - Honoring Sister Christina Heltsley!

Some of you know her, some of you may have heard of her, and those of you who don't, I introduce you to an amazing woman, Sister Christina Heltsley, a member of the San Mateo County Women's Hall of Fame. "Sister C" as many of us call her, is the Executive Director of the St. Francis Center in North Fair Oaks. She's been a teacher of all grade levels, a principal, a superintendent for Catholic Schools, and became the executive director for the St. Francis Center in 2000. Her primary mission is to help low income children achieve success.

Women's History Month - Honoring Jean WASP Harmon!

In honor of Women's History Month - and International Women's Day, I plan to showcase a series of remarkable women from our County. Jean Harmon of Menlo Park is my first--she's a veteran. Jean Harmon was an elite member of the Women’s Air Force Service Pilots (WASP). The WASP’S were trained pilots who flew military planes during World War II. Jean was introduced to airplanes at the age of 7 when she got her first airborne ride with a relatives. It was love at first flight. Amelia Earhart was her heroine. Jean graduated high school at 16 and attended University of the Pacific in Stockton California when World War II broke out during the first semester. She left college to pursue her training to become a pilot.

Board of Supervisors to Consider Noise Abatement Solutions at San Carlos Airport

County of San Mateo seeking public, stakeholder input prior to decision on flight restrictions, curfew.

Celebrating Women's History Month - March 2017

March is Women's History Month! The U.S. Congress officially declared March as Women’s History Month in 1987 to honor of the many contributions of women in our history. The recognition has expanded beyond the early suffragettes, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and others who advocated across the nation for a women's right to vote. Thanks to the suffragettes, the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution was passed in 1920 and women were finally granted the right to vote.

Unveiling of the Mural in North Fair Oaks

This beautiful new mural behind the Fair Oaks School is the creation of artist Nico Berry and the students who had the opportunity to work with him to bring it to life. The mural features our California poppies, the Fair Oaks School mascot, the Falcons, and the bright colors and message signify hope and community. The message, "I am sombody/Soy Alguien" will be a daily reminder to the students and families of this community that they belong and they are valued. As my Legislative Aide Irving Torres said, "It's a beautiful thing to witness the rise of the next generation" -- no doubt, these young people will be our future leaders.

San Mateo County Finances Remain Strong in Face of Uncertainty

The County of San Mateo’s finances remain strong despite uncertainties due to federal policy direction under the new administration and a gubernatorial program elimination that could ultimately place future financial burdens on the County’s shoulders.

County of San Mateo Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Uphold Constitutional Protections for Immigrant Detainees

The County of San Mateo joined 19 other cities and counties nationwide today in filing a “friend of the court” brief with the United States Supreme Court.


Congratulations to the Sequoia Healthcare District and Peninsula Family Service who teamed up to create 70Strong.org, an online resource for everyone, especially those who are 70 or are related to or working with people who are 70 plus. It's everything you need - all in one place - and just a keystroke away!

Board Proclaims Local Emergency - Opens Gateway to Seek Disaster Assistance

Our Board of Supervisors held a Special Meeting today at 11:30 a.m. to ratify a proclamation of Local State of Emergency for Crystal Springs Sanitary and Sewer District.

San Mateo County Board of Supervisors Proclaim Local Emergency

Storm-related erosion damage to sewer infrastructure prompts declaration.

Protecting Tenants Displaced from Unsafe or Substandard Units

In a measure to protect tenants, I was proud that our Board of Supervisors unanimously adopted an ordinance today Establishing Property Owner Obligations with Respect to Tenants Displaced from Unsafe or Substandard Units.

Kind words about the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors

...I attended the reorganization meeting of the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, mainly to witness the swearing in of the newest member Dave Canepa. It, too, was a very crowded event. Hard to find a place to park and hard to find a seat. What impressed me was how much good these officials do for the community. Supervisor Warren Slocum helped set up a homeless shelter for vets on the VA site. Supervisor Dave Pine has been the advocate and go-to guy to protect us from sea level rise and has even been invited to the Netherlands as a local expert. Supervisor Carole Groom has worked tirelessly on The Big Lift, a program to ensure kids can read at the proper grade level. And Don Horsley, the new president of the board, assured our local immigrant population that we will keep them safe from federal witch hunts.