Dredging at Coyote Point Marina

On August 6, 2022 we began our regular dredging of Coyote Point Marina. This 8-week project, which takes place every five years or so, makes the Marina safer for boats to navigate and allows us to operate at greater capacity by providing boaters better access to slips. 

What Does a Healthy Community Look Like?

Redwood City — When you imagine a healthy community, what do you see? School gardens? Streets that encourage leisurely outings? Safe and affordable housing? Parks? All of the above and more?          

Quarry Park Master Plan Final Draft Posted

Following this spring's public review period, which included a survey and two public presentations, San Mateo County Parks is posting the Final Draft of the Quarry Park Master Plan.

San Mateo County Supervisors Approve Advocacy Agenda to Support Women’s Reproductive Rights

Redwood City — The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors unanimously adopted an advocacy agenda at today’s meeting to support women’s health and reproductive rights following the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

Board’s Action Brings Revitalization of Flood Park Closer to Reality

Through a unanimous vote at the July 26 meeting, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors accepted the Flood Park Updated Landscape Plan noting the Plan reflects a balanced approach in addressing the interests of park visitors and neighbors.

Are You Ready? Disaster Preparedness Day is Saturday, July 30

Redwood City – Wildfires, tsunamis, earthquakes and, of course, the COVID-19 pandemic are reminders that the best time to prepare your family for disaster is ASAP. And the most immediate ASAP is the 18th annual Disaster Preparedness Day this Saturday, July 30, 2022, at the San Mateo County Event Center.

Want to See Your Tax Dollars In Action? Sign Up for Civics 101

Redwood City – The County of San Mateo is accepting applications for the Civics 101 Academy, a free nine-week course that provides an in-depth look at how local government works.

From Pacifica to Redwood City, Celebrate Arts Across San Mateo County Throughout August

The San Mateo County Office of Arts and Culture and the Arts Commission will present the first Countywide Celebration of Arts and Culture for the entire month of August.

Board of Supervisors to Consider Updated Landscape Plan on July 26

Throughout the Realize Flood Park project's community engagement process, the design team has carefully considered the input received during meetings and from surveys and adjusted the landscape plan to reflect community needs and interests.

Connect the Coastside Considered at July 26 Board of Supervisors Meeting

Connect the Coastside will be considered by the Board of Supervisors at the July 26, 2022 meeting! See the public meeting notice and learn how to join in.

See Comments from the June 11 Flood Park Meeting

On Saturday, June 11, the public was invited to join the design team in the park to review the Updated Landscape Plan. Comments received at the event are being reviewed by the design team and a refined landscape plan will be presented to the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors at the July 26 meeting.