San Mateo County Public Safety Communications Joins the Versaterm Family

Welcome San Mateo County to the Versaterm family! Versaterm extends a warm welcome to San Mateo County Public Safety Communications and their partner agencies as they

Measure K Helps Fund Blue Stars Mom

When I was serving in the U.S. Army in Vietnam, mail day was always made more meaningful when I received a care package from home.  That is why when I heard that our San Mateo County Blue Star Moms needed help raising funds for postage to send quarterly care packages to our troops deployed overseas, I was honored to lend a hand. 

Measure k: Investing in Opportunities for our Youth

Investing in our youth is key to the success of our communities. Therefore, I presented two Measure K requests during April 10, 2018 Board of Supervisors meeting.

Net Neutrality - Connectivity for All

In today’s Board of Supervisor meeting I joined my collegues in voting to support Net Neutrality and oppose the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC). On February 22, 2018 FCC published rules that repeal existing Net Neutrality rules for internet service providers. Repealing Net Neutrality network providers would be able to create internet “fast lanes” and “slow lanes,” raising prices for consumers and stifling innovation.

Measure K Funds Swim Lessons for Children in Disadvantage Neighborhoods

Those of you who know me, know that swimming changed my life. Raised by a single dad and living from place-to-place, being part of my high school’s swim and water polo teams gave me instant family and structure. It taught me the value of team work and about water safety.

Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment

On March 13, 2018 the Office of Sustainability presented the Board of Supervisors with the Final Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment and an overview on the Climate Action Plan, which also helps the County prepare for climate change.

The Volunteer Group Experience

Corporate and community volunteer groups contribute to San Mateo County Parks in many ways. Learn how a real estate firm came together to support a treasured local marine preserve.

Get Us Moving

One of the biggest challenges we face in government is how we engage the public. “Get Us Moving” is one example of getting it right!

Be In The Know Before You Go Tide Pooling

The Montara State Marine Protected Area (MPA) of the San Mateo County coast includes Fitzgerald Marine Reserve, a special place of biological significance that draws thousands of visitors throughout the year. Knowing the proper way to visit an MPA will help you plan your visit and do your part to protect and conserve marine life and associated habitats. Visitor guidelines are set by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Warren Award Recipient: Fr. Rigoberto Calocarivas - Multicultural Institute

Last night we celebrated 11 great years of Multicultural Institute services to the immigrant community in North Fair Oak. I presented its founder Fr. Rigoberto Calocarivas and the Multicultural Institute with a Resolution honoring their hard work in helping transition immigrants from poverty and isolation to prosperity and participation.    

Warren Award Recipient: Commendation for Life Scout Matthew Mariani

During our Board meeting on February 27th, I honored Life Scout Matthew Mariani for his Eagle Scout project.