Board of Supervisors Will Place Regional Bridge Toll Increase on June Ballot

The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors today voted to place on the June ballot a measure that would raise Bay Area bridge tolls up to three dollars to fund key regional transportation projects aimed at easing congestion.

Mid-Year Budget Review Shows County Finances Remain Strong

 The County of San Mateo’s finances remain strong but budget leaders yesterday cautioned the Board of Supervisors to remain fiscally prudent as a buffer against future unknowns and to stay focused on providing critical programs and services despite the growing noise of discontent on the national level.

Relocation Assistance Ordinance

Throughout the county there are rental units that have major code violations and pose a threat to the health and safety of the tenants. In these situations, County Code Enforcement must act and as a result the tenants are temporarily or permanently displaced. These tenants are low-income and need assistance in relocating. To address this matter, the Board adopted an Ordinance which set forth property owner obligation with respect to tenants displaced from unsafe or substandard units.

Garbage Rate Increase in North Fair Oaks

Last week at the Board of Supervisors meeting, I voted no to set the 2018 garbage and recyclables rates in County Service Area 8 (North Fair Oaks) and the other unincorporated areas within the South Bayside Waste Management Authority service area. The resolution proposed a 5%, residential rate increase of $1.48 per month for two 32-gallons or one 64-gallon garbage container. 

Measure K Funds Ravenswood Family Dentistry

I presented a resolution authorizing a one-time grant of Measure K fund to the Ravenswood Family Health Center for the Dentistry Renovation Expansion Project not to exceed $69,000. This fund will provide essential capital projects that will create new dental treatment rooms. This will increase the number of pediatric chairs at the Clinic to 9 and adult chairs to 12, and enable 3,500 more patients to be seen for dental needs.

Keeping Health In Stock at Food Pantries

The County of San Mateo and community groups from Daly City to East Palo Alto are joining forces to provide fresh and healthy food to individuals and families in need Listen to the podcast Do you want to know where Measure K tax dollars are being invested?

Expanded offshore drilling terrible for state

Drilling for oil off the coast of California has been something most people thought had been forbidden for decades. When the issue was recently revived as a possibility by the current federal government administration, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors decided to join almost every other California jurisdiction in fighting back against the idea. A resolution was approved unanimously at the Jan. 23 board meeting supporting a continuing ban on new offshore oil and gas drilling, fracking and other well stimulation in federal and state waters.

Warren Award Recipient: "Save A Life" Scholarship Awardee-Nereyda Guzman

Today I had the honor of presenting Nereyda Guzman with a commendation for the successful completion of the first “Save A Life” EMT Scholarship Program in partnership with the American Medical Response (AMR).

New Parking Lot in North Fair Oaks

Finding a parking spot on Middlefield Road in North Fair Oaks can be tough. And with construction of the Middlefield Road Improvement project set to begin soon – I have made it a priority to add more space for parking. Back in 2013, San Mateo County conducted a parking study in North Fair Oaks. This study outlined parking demand and supply solutions specifically tailored to North Fair Oaks' current and projected conditions, acknowledging anticipated Middlefield Road Improvement projects.

El Paisano Restaurant Parking Issue Gets Resolved

  A few months ago, I met with Juvenel Campos, the owner of El Paisano Restaurant in North Fair Oaks about parking issues in front of his small business. A yellow-painted line directly in front of El Paisano was making parking difficult for customers and impacting business. My staff and I worked with San Mateo County Public Works to resolve the parking problem and to enable Juvenal’s patrons to more easily access El Paisano.

Sam McDonald's Sanctuary In The Redwoods

Celebrate Black History Month by getting to know San Mateo County Parks hero, Sam McDonald, and taking a hike through his beloved 'lords of the forest.