Expanded offshore drilling terrible for state

Drilling for oil off the coast of California has been something most people thought had been forbidden for decades. When the issue was recently revived as a possibility by the current federal government administration, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors decided to join almost every other California jurisdiction in fighting back against the idea. A resolution was approved unanimously at the Jan. 23 board meeting supporting a continuing ban on new offshore oil and gas drilling, fracking and other well stimulation in federal and state waters.

Getting to know Broadmoor from the office of Supervisor David J. Canepa

We have had a blast making the videos this year showcasing our district.  Please enjoy the latest episode which focuses on Broadmoor:

Stop killer robots by San Mateo County Supervisor, David J. Canepa

David J. Canepa represents District 5 on the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors.   Last month, I picked up a copy of the Daily Journal and came across a headline on the opinion page that read: “Robots, drones and bots too — potentially the end of us?”

How you can stop Medicare fraud by Supervisor David J. Canepa

Depending on which side of the aisle you sit on, the future of Medicare either looks grim or promising as its fiscal strength shows signs of improvement despite the program being constantly under siege by fraudsters. In Congress, there has been talks for years now to either phase out the medical insurance program that benefits nearly 58 million Americans, the vast majority seniors, or possibly even privatize it.

Supervisor David J. Canepa says Internet exchange zones can save lives

San Mateo County will be one of the first in the state to implement the exchange zone and follows Daly City, which established its zone last year at City Hall directly in front of the police station.

San Francisquito Creek Bridge Replacement

Soon to be underway! Caltrans will begin construction on the San Francisquito Creek Bridge Replacement Project!

Online UAS Notification

You can now notify the San Carlos & Half Moon Bay Airport online prior to your non-commercial UAS operations!

Public Advisory Freeze Alert

Frigid temperatures and gusty winds can cause pipes to freeze. Property owners and residents can take some simple precautions to prevent the inconvenience and expense of frozen water pipes.

An Emergency Response Center Built to Survive the Big One

With the Cold War long over, the County is trading in its cramped and outdated Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for a new $37 million building to coordinate the response to disasters. It will also serve as a home for the County's  9-1-1 public safety dispatchers, a secure data center and the daily offices of the San Mateo County Office of Emergency Services and Division of Homeland Security of the Sheriff’s Office.

Public Safety Dispatchers Are the Vital Link

"No day is ever routine - one call may be a minor traffic accident, while the next is a frantic voice screaming for help." Rarely will you ever get a chance to meet the hundreds of people who call for help, yet they'll depend on your voice, your directions, and your knowledge to get through an emergency.