County of San Mateo Finances Strong but New Budget Urges Prudence

County Manager looks to future uncertainties in FY 2017-19 recommended budget.

Board of Supervisors Commits Funds for Affordable Housing

Supervisors direct Measure K revenue to bolster money for housing.

Board of Supervisors Endorses Affordable Housing Plan

Supervisors looking at ways to increase funding to $50 million.

County of San Mateo Releases Draft Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment

The County of San Mateo’s Office of Sustainability's draft Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment is a tool to guide the County and its cities in policy and adaptation planning by identifying assets and communities of potential risk throughout San Mateo County.

RFP: Program Evaluation Services

This Request for Proposals is for the evaluation of services for programs that promote resiliency, pro-social behavior, and emotional wellbeing and youth and family programs that increase developmental assets and decrease youth involvement in the juvenile justice system. These services are funded by the YOBG, JJCPA, and JPCF. 

County of San Mateo Moving Forward With Major Capital Projects

Ambitious five-year plan will improve services, create savings.

Board of Supervisors to Consider Noise Abatement Solutions at San Carlos Airport

County of San Mateo seeking public, stakeholder input prior to decision on flight restrictions, curfew.

San Mateo County Finances Remain Strong in Face of Uncertainty

The County of San Mateo’s finances remain strong despite uncertainties due to federal policy direction under the new administration and a gubernatorial program elimination that could ultimately place future financial burdens on the County’s shoulders.

County of San Mateo Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Uphold Constitutional Protections for Immigrant Detainees

The County of San Mateo joined 19 other cities and counties nationwide today in filing a “friend of the court” brief with the United States Supreme Court.

San Mateo County Board of Supervisors Proclaim Local Emergency

Storm-related erosion damage to sewer infrastructure prompts declaration.

Board reorganizes, welcomes Supervisor David Canepa

Supervisor Don Horsley named president during annual Board rotation.

RFP: Youth Activities and Mental Health Services 2017

RFP Number 2017-001 County of San Mateo Probation Department Release Date: January 3, 2017 Responses must be Received by 4:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on February 14, 2017