Jan. 6, 2021: County of San Mateo Continues Digital Inclusion Initiative by Expanding and Improving SMC Public WiFi

The County of San Mateo continues building on its Digital Inclusion Initiative with the launch of 13 new SMC Public WiFi locations at outdoor and SMC Park and Connect sites across the county.

Jan. 5, 2021: San Mateo County Board of Supervisors Names New President

The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors today unanimously selected Supervisor David Canepa, who represents District Five in the North County, as the 2021 president during its annual reorganization.

Jan. 5, 2021: San Mateo County Board of Supervisors Names New President

The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors today unanimously selected Supervisor David Canepa, who represents District Five in the North County, as the 2021 president during its annual reorganization. The Board also chose District Three Supervisor Don Horsley as 2021 vice president.

Jan. 5, 2021: Update on County Response to COVID-19: 2021 Board President Selected, Great Plates Extended; and COVID-19 Testing and Case Count

The County of San Mateo continues to work to protect public health and safety in response to the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19.

Dec, 24, 2020: Update on County Response to COVID-19: Medical First Responder Vaccinations; and COVID-19 Testing and Case Count

The County of San Mateo continues to work to protect public health and safety in response to the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19.

Dec. 22, 2020: Update on County Response to COVID-19: Health Order Update, Partnership with Dignity Health & AMI; and COVID-19 Testing and Case Count

The County of San Mateo continues to work to protect public health and safety in response to the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19.

Dec. 21, 2020: County of San Mateo Partners with Dignity Health and AMI to Increase Staffed ICU Bed Capacity for the Bay Area Region

As the rise in COVID-19 cases threatens the health and safety of residents of the Bay Area region and beyond, the County of San Mateo has partnered with Dignity Health and AMI Expeditionary Healthcare to increase local ICU bed availability for this crucial period. 

Dec. 17, 2020: Regional Stay At Home Order: Frequently Asked Questions

Here’s what we know about the Regional Stay At Home Order and how you and your household​ can help slow the spread of COVID-19:

Dec. 18, 2020: County’s Public WiFi Expands with New SMC Park and Connect Sites

The County of San Mateo is expanding its SMC Public WiFi network with the planned opening of four SMC Park and Connect locations, allowing the public to walk, ride, or drive to selected parking lots and connect to the internet at no cost.

Dec. 17, 2020: Regional Stay Home Order Begins Tonight, School Impact, Vaccine Freezers Arrive, Media Briefing; and COVID-19 Testing and Case Count

The County of San Mateo continues to work to protect public health and safety in response to the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19.

Dec. 16, 2020: Cold Storage: Freezers Arrive at San Mateo Medical Center for COVID-19 Vaccine

Good news arrived Wednesday, Dec. 16, on a loading dock at San Mateo Medical Center: Two ultra-cold freezers, wrapped in green like holiday presents.

Dec. 16, 2020: San Mateo County Now Under Regional Stay At Home Order as Virus Cases, Hospitalizations Rise

Local officials call the human toll of the ongoing pandemic “devastating” as they urge all residents to follow health and safety measures