Board Of Supervisors Approves Dog Pilot Program

At their November 9 meeting held via video conference, the Board of Supervisors certified the Off-Leash Dog Recreation Pilot Program IS/MND and approved the pilot that will introduce off-leash dog access at Quarry Park and Pillar Point Bluff, on a trial basis. At the November 16 Board of Supervisors meeting, the ordinance allowing the pilot will be read into the County ordinance code.

Dog Pilot Program CEQA Document Review

A Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the Off-leash Dog Recreation Pilot Program at Pillar Point Bluff and Quarry Park was posted for public review and comment from July 15 to August 13, 2021.

Voters save Caltrain with Measure RR passage in all three counties

Voters in the three counties served by Caltrain passed a measure that will add a one one-eighth cent sales tax in each county to help the financially struggling rail system. Measure RR will provide Caltrain an estimated $100 million annually for the next 30 years to help fund operations, including expansion of service and capacity, as well as major capital projects. The measure needs to pass by two-thirds among the ballots cast in San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties.

Improving Housing, Access to Health Care for Farm Workers

Note: This is an archived version of an article that first appeared in 2016.

San Mateo County allocates $2 million to aid struggling child care facilities

The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to allocate $2 million in federal funding received from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) to create a Child Care Relief Fund.

CEO named for new Flood and Sea Level Rise Resiliency District

The San Mateo County Flood and Sea Level Rise Resiliency District has its first CEO in Len Materman.   The brand new Flood and Sea Level Rise Resiliency District launched on Jan. 1. It is a collaboration of 20 cities and the county to develop coordinated plans to address current and future coastal erosion, sea level rise and flooding, and to improve regional stormwater infrastructure.  

Dog Pilot Program Underway

A pilot program is underway to introduce additional on-leash recreational opportunities in San Mateo County Parks for dogs and their owners.

Opening Doors and Opportunities

First she lost her balance.

Dog Work Group Begins December 3

The Dog Work Group began work on December 3 to review new actions regarding dog recreational use and to begin developing pilot programs.