Follow-up Eucayptus Removal on Northwest of San Bruno Mountain Park, Dec 4–6

From Monday through Wednesday, December 4–6, weather permitting, San Mateo Parks and contractors will work to control regrowth of invasive Eucalyptus across two acres on the northwest boundary of San Bruno Mountain Park, near properties along Florence St. and Mountain View Dr.

An Activist’s Origin Story

Redwood City – Angela Piazza wants you to know something that might save someone’s life. Maybe hers, if you encounter Plum, her mischievous Labrador retriever, alone. “If you ever see a service dog by itself,” Piazza said, “follow it because that means they should be with their owner. They're trying to tell you something.”

With Respiratory Viruses Circulating, All Bay Area Health Officers Recommend Actions to Stay Healthy for the Holidays

As levels of circulating respiratory viruses increase and people spend more time indoors for the holiday season, it’s important to know all the ways to stay healthy this winter. 

First Stanford Affordable Housing Fund Award for San Mateo County

First Stanford Affordable Housing Fund Award for San Mateo County

How to Prepare for the Winter Storm Season

Redwood City – The National Weather Service has forecast above-normal precipitation in the Bay Area this winter, a reminder to check (or build) your emergency kit and review (or create) your evacuation plan. “The time to prepare is now, not when the waters are rising and the winds are blowing,” said Shruti Dhapodkar, director of the County’s Department of Emergency Management.

Don Horsley, San Mateo County Sheriff, Supervisor and Advocate for Mental Health, Dies at 80

Redwood City – Don Horsley, a former teacher and beat cop whose bold ideas for reforms propelled him to San Mateo County Sheriff and the Board of Supervisors, died Friday. He was 80. Mr. Horsley’s early jobs – juvenile counselor, middle school teacher, police officer – paired with his childhood experiences to shape a career where he saw opportunities to transform lives.

Tenant Security Deposits Limited to One Month’s Rent

Governor Newsom recently signed into law AB 12, which on July 1, 2024 will prohibit many landlords from charging more than one month’s rent as a security deposit for an apartment rental.  “This new law is especially important in San Mateo County where working families are hard pressed to save twice the amount of the average monthly rent of almost $3500”,

A FOG-Free Thanksgiving: Take a Second Helping but Hold the Fats, Oils and Grease

At a lot just off Highway 101 and Woodside Road, Daniel Ver Linden popped open a 100-pound lid hiding an underground vault, lined with brick, dark, silent. It’s not supposed to be silent.

Call for Bids Posted for Realize Flood Park Phase 1 Construction

The Realize Flood Park Phase 1 project is out for rebid with plans and specifications and key dates posted at San Mateo County Public Works.