Wurr Flat #1

This area is approximately 2 acres in size with an asphalt and wood chip surface. Its surface slope varies from 0%-10%. The area is partly shady due to surrounding vegetation composed of redwood, doug fir, tan oak and huckleberry. Days are usually sunny, but can be cool and damp after sunfall. The site has room for 15 trailers or 15 tents and will seat 75 people. The bathroom and shower facilities are shared with Wurr Flat Camping Area #2. The area includes a lighted barbecue area. Be cautious of poison oak just off the trails.

Redwood Flat

Redwood Flat Campground is available for use by reservation only and open from Memorial Weekend in May to October 31. Reserved dates are non-changeable and fees are non-refundable.


This amphitheater site approximately 1.5 acres in size with a wood chip surface. Its surface slope varies from 0%-5%. There is partial shade due to surrounding vegetation composed of redwood, doug fir and huckleberry. Days are usually sunny but occasionally, damp and cool. Parking is shared among all park users and is available on a first come, first served basis.

Mt. Ellen Nature Trail

Hikers can pick up a self-guiding handbook at the Park entry station and take this 1.0 mile trail, which is a short side loop of the Mt. Ellen Summit Trail. Trail runs through forest with a minor elevation change of 54 feet.

Tarwater Loop Trail

Hikers and equestrians using this 4.7 mile loop will travel by an old dairy farm, an early shingle mill and one of the largest Coast redwoods in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Naturally occurring crude oil deposits are present in some portions of Tarwater Creek.

Shaw Flat Trail

Hikers, bicyclists, and equestrians use this trail to access the Shaw Flat Trail Camp from Old Haul and Towne Fire Roads. Users of the Shaw Flat Trail Camp must pack in their own water and cooking fuel.

Portola Trail

This connector trail runs from Old Haul Road in the Portola Redwood State Park to the southern part of the Butano Ridge Loop Trail. In the winter months, hikers and equestrians can enjoy the sight of a small waterfall on Fall Creek.

Pomponio Trail

This trail crosses the west end of Pescadero Creek and climbs about a half mile and then descends to the Towne Creek area where hikers and equestrians can enjoy a small fern grotto. Users need to watch the signs as the route changes from single track to fire road in several places with numerous junctions encountered.

Jones Gulch Trail

Although this trail is for equestrians and hikers, hikers are only allowed on the single track section of this trail that connects to the Towne Fire Road. Large old growth Redwoods are found along this short alternate route to the Pomponio Trail.
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