May 28, 2024
  • Once the rainy season subsides in late spring, San Mateo County Park staff begin to mow grassy areas in some park locations to reduce wildfire risks, control invasive plants, and enhance recreation areas.

    During seasonal mowing staff will reduce tall grass growth to improve line of sight for hikers and cyclists along trails and paved areas and to ensure drainage and prevent trail erosion. It’s also the ideal time to halt the growth of weeds and reduce fire fuel before temperatures increase. Staff also mow open areas in select park locations to improve play surfaces.

    Park operations staff coordinate mowing locations and schedules with the natural resource management team to ensure mowing activity aligns with best management practices. Trained staff will carefully examine an area to be mowed for nesting animals, signs of animals and plants of interest, and flag locations to avoid or delay mowing.

    Visitors may see portions of parks or trails temporarily closed during mowing for one or two days. You can plan your visit by checking the advisory page for scheduled trail and park projects.