All Projects

Project No. 09OLH; Project File No. 510100


Near 1102 Old La Honda Road, Redwood City, CA

About the Project

The slip-out repair project will repair the failing embankments and damaged pavements. The work to be done consists, in general, of installing a retaining wall, drainage improvements, and installing a rock slope protection revetment with plantings, and erosion control/slope protection.

Public Works Contact

Carter Choi
Senior Civil Engineer


SBAY Construction, Inc.

  • January 2023 – Roadway failed due to heavy storms. Preliminary site investigations performed.
  • February 2023 - Desktop analysis, development of supporting documents for FEMA, and procurement of geotechnical and drilling firms.  
  • March 2023 - Coordination with Cal OES/FEMA and monitoring of site. Drilling schedule for March 31st. 
  • May 2023 - Field Meeting with FEMA for site assessment and repair scope development.
  • June 2023 - Received and reviewing Geotechnical Investigation Report.
  • July 2023 - Awaiting Contractor to develop proposal for repair work.

  • February 2024 – On site meeting with a contractor to update repair proposal.
  • March 2024 – Entered into contract via our JOC ordering system with SBAY Construction Inc., for the repair and reconstruction work on Old La Honda Road.  Work commences on 03/25/2023 and schedule to June 2024 on Monday – Saturday 7:30AM – 5 PM. Road is closed for construction, use alternative routes.
  • May 2024 - Construction is 70% complete. Outboard wall and backfilling operations are in full swing. Road is closed. Anticipated completion date is late June.
Old La Honda Road - Slip Out