All Projects

Project No. TBD; Project File No. TBD


Near 9700 Alpine Road, La Honda, CA

About the Project

The slip-our repair project will repair the failed embankment and damaged shoulder. This site is near the Parks Department Heritage Grove trailhead parking area. The repair will restore the existing bank using a earth friendly bank repair adjacent to Alpine Creek.

Public Works Contact

Carter Choi
Senior Civil Engineer



  • January 2023 – Roadway shoulder was affected due to heavy storms. Preliminary site investigations performed.
  • February 2023 - Desktop analysis, development of supporting documents for FEMA, and procurement of geotechnical and drilling firms. 
  • March 2023 - Coordination with Cal OES/FEMA and monitoring of site. 
  • May 2023 - Awaiting Contractor to develop proposal for repair work. Field Meeting with FEMA for site assessment and repair scope development.
Alpine Road #2 - Slip Out

Alpine Road #2 - Slip Out