All Projects

Project No. P29L4; Project File No. E5068


1701 Coyote Point Drive, San Mateo, CA 94401

About the Project

Department shall assess the condition of the existing sewer collection system at Coyote Point Park and consider upgrades or improvement options.

Public Works Contact

Anthony Lum
Senior Engineer





  • May 2022 - Begin sewer collection system assessment work at Coyote Point.

  • July 2022 - Closed Circuit Television Video (CCTV) work to be scheduled.

  • September 2022 - Drafting Sewer Assessment Report.

  • April 2023 - Finalize the assessment report.

  • July 2023 - Waiting for revisions and responses to County's review comments about the report.

  • February 2024 - The Department is in coordination with Freyer and Laureta in developing the design of the Project. 60% Plans, Specifications, and Estimate is currently in development.

  • March 2024 to April 2024 - 90% Plans, Specifications, and Estimates in development.

  • May 2024 - 90% Plans, Specifications, and Estimates developed.

  • June to July 2024 - 100% Plans, Specifications, and Estimates in development.

Location Map - Coyote Point Sanitary Sewer P29L4Location Map Department of Public Works Logo