All Projects

Project No. RH901; Project File No. E5060 


Ticonderoga Retaining Wall on Ticonderoga Drive, San Mateo, CA

About the Project

The Ticonderoga Retaining Wall includes reinforcing the Ticonderoga Retaining Wall with a cost effective geotechnical solution, including the use of soil nails or light weight structural fill material. In addition to reinforing the wall, portions of affected concrete sidewalk and asphalt road will be repaired.

Public Works Contact

Carter Choi 
Senior Engineer 



  • July 2022 – Cost analysis of different repair methods was finalized.  
  • December 2022 – Task Order to be issued to CE&G Engineering.
  • February 2023 – Updated proposal and execute Task Order.
  • July 2023 – Survey completed and working towards a design repair alternative.

  • October 2023 – Begin drafting construction plans on selected design repair method.
  • December 2023 – 30% plans were completed.
  • March 2024 – 60% plans are in progress.
  • April/May 2024 - County reviewed 60% plans and specifications. Moving onto 90% plans and specifications.
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