All Projects

Project No. RW308; Project File No. E5084


Loma Mar, CA & Pescadero, CA

About the Project

Work will consist of improvements/repairs of culverts at Wurr Road, Pescadero Creek Road, and Cloverdale Road.

Public Works Contact

Wency Ng
Senior Civil Engineer



  • October 2023 to Feb 2024 – Developed environmental engineering concept design plans.
  • March 2024 – Received concept design plans and construction cost estimate. Plans and estimate are in review.
  • April/May 2024 – Concept plans have been reviewed internally. Scheduled meeting with consultant on May 3, 2024 for discussion in regards to scope build up and further steps in design.
  • June 2024 - Consultant has been authorized to develop plans and DPW has developed scope for construction delivery. It is expected the biological condition reports will be prepared by the end of June 2024.
  • July 2024 - Consultant has informed the County the draft of delineation and biological report has will be prepared by July. Public Works staff have been working with County Surveyor to determine boundaries conditions to provide data for consultant design. Target delivery for 65% design is September 2024.
Wurr Road - Pescadero Creek Road CulvertsWurr Road - Pescadero Creek Road Culverts