Memorial Park Waste Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project
Dark Gulch Stream Crossing Repair Project
Quarry Park Off-Leash Pilot Program Approved By Board of Supervisors
At its April 5, 2022 meeting, the Board of Supervisors approved the Department’s appeal to allow an off-leash dog pilot program to proceed at Quarry Park while upholding the Planning Commission’s denial of a Coastal Development Permit for the pilot program at Pillar Point Bluffs.
BOS to Hear Appeal of CDP for Off-Leash Dog Pilot April 5
On Feb 22, 2022 the Parks Department filed an appeal of the San Mateo County Planning Commission’s decision that denied the Department’s application for a Coastal Develop Permit (CDP) for off-leash dog pilot programs at Quarry County Park and Pillar Point Bluffs. The appeal requests to pursue a pilot program at Quarry Park only and not at Pillar Point Bluffs.
Upcoming Opportunities To Realize Flood Park
The design phase for the Realize Flood Park project continues with three additional opportunities for you to share your ideas through events and a survey.
Coastside Wildfire Safety & Risk Reduction Meeting
View the Feb 10 informational meeting hosted by San Mateo County Parks and learn about wildfire risk reduction, fuel management, and public safety on the coast.
Community Weighs In On Tunitas Creek Beach Preferred Design
The project to convert Tunitas Creek Beach into San Mateo County's newest park moves ahead as community members weigh in on aesthetic details and learning opportunities for the preferred design.
100-Acre Fire Mitigation Project In Quarry Park, Funded By Coastal Conservancy Grant
The San Mateo Resource Conservation District (RCD) has received a $1 million grant from the State Coastal Conservancy to fund a 100-acre fire mitigation project in Quarry County Park located in El Granada. On September 8 we will begin the first phase of work, which will take approximately a week to complete.
Tunitas Creek Beach Project CEQA Document Available for Review & Comments
The Tunitas Creek Beach Improvement Project Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration is now posted for review and comment.