Welcome to the County of San Mateo Performance & Development Program!

The Performance & Development Program (PDP) began as a pilot in 2017 to evaluate the impact of eliminating the traditional Annual Performance Evaluation. The County transitioned to a Continuous Coaching model built around four key areas: regular 1-on-1s, ongoing goals and development discussions, increased recognition, and clear program and job expectations.

In September 2020, the Board of Directors approved the Performance & Development Program as an official County program.

The County of San Mateo Employee Performance and Development Program (PDP) replaces Annual Evaluations with a Continuous Coaching model, so that employees get actionable feedback today and support to grow for tomorrow. 

Four squares representing Regular check-ins, Goal Discussions, Clear Expectations, and Recognition

The vision is for employees and supervisors to receive actionable feedback and support regularly in real time, rather than once a year. The 4 Pillars (shown above) is our model; program participants are encouraged to have regular one-on-one check-ins, goal discussions, and increase recognition to foster a more transparent and open culture between employees and supervisors.

We leverage anonymous surveys and data shared with County leadership focused on feedback that provides a framework for conversations at check-ins and staff meetings between supervisors and employees.